October 18

by David Lins  |  10/18/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

This weekend, we hear Jesus say, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to the Lord what belongs to the Lord.”

So, pay your taxes, stop pretending the 101 is the autobahn, and be informed when you vote. But give your entire life to God.

“But what about the separation of Church and state?!” (I can hear some of you screaming it.)

I’ve read the Bible. You probably have, too. I currently cannot remember where Jesus said anything about the separation of Church and state. And, no… “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to the Lord what belongs to the Lord,” doesn’t qualify.

Give to the Lord what is the Lord’s. YOU are the Lord’s. Everything you do is the Lord’s. Every single day. What you do between midnight and… midnight… is the Lord’s.

So I don’t have to pay taxes? My speed is only limited by my ability to find an open lane? And I can vote for whoever I’d rather have over for Thanksgiving?

No. Nope. And of course not.

We follow the law when it doesn’t conflict with our Faith. We don’t only follow our Faith when it doesn’t conflict with the law. (At least, I hope not.)

Let’s put it another way to help clarify.

We are called to be Catholics who happen to be American. (I am not saying being an American is unimportant. It just should never be AS important.) What it comes down to is this: we should never identify (or act) as Americans who happen to be Catholic.

Or do you think we were made to prioritize our Faith and our government equally? Again… I hope not.

Questions? Comments? Email David at dlins@oloj.org.