"Queen of Peace" Prayer Cenacle


Fr. Stefano Gobbi while praying in the Chapel of the Apparitions in Fatima for some priests who, besides having given up their own vocations, were attempting to form an association in rebellion against the authority of the Roman Catholic Church; an interior voice (interior  locutions) urged Fr. Gobbi to have confidence  in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He began to write down these messages (interior locutions) which he was  receiving dating from July 1973 to December  1997, and are published in the book, “To the Priests, our Lady's Beloved Sons.” 


In her messages, our Lady insistently calls upon priests, religious and faithful to gather with her in fervent prayer in authentic cenacles as when the first apostles gathered with her in the Upper Room in Jerusalem awaiting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Our Lady invites us to enter into the cenacle of her Immaculate Heart by means of our consecration. She calls us to form cenacles together with her and to multiply and spread them everywhere.

Cenacle Format

It consists basically of the following:

  1. Invocation to the Holy Spirit.
  2. Recitation of the Holy Rosary.
  3. Prayers for our Holy Father, the Pope.
  4. Reading and meditation on one of the messages given in the book, “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons.”
  5. The Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

You can also include on your own any of the following: Holy Mass, Benediction, Liturgy of the Hours, Silent Prayer, Holy Hour, Hymns.

Meeting Times

"Queen of Peace" Prayer Cenacle meets Mondays, 9:45-10:30am in the Parish Hall. We begin with coffee and treats followed by our Prayer Cenacle format. All are invited. New members are always welcome. Please join us on Tuesday, weekly or monthly as your schedule permits.

All are invited!  Fr. Jess and other priests will participate as their schedules permit.

To learn more go to www.mmp-usa.net.

New! Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Cenacle for Children

Children of all ages are invited to meet Mondays, 5:00-5:30pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Donna Marie at nordiccat4@cox.net.