Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled

by David Lins  |  05/07/2023  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

When Jesus prepares his disciples for his imminent departure, he begins with the words, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”

Easy for him to say, right? He is God. Meanwhile, we are stuck here on Planet Earth dealing with the fallout of free will.

And the free will God has given us applies to everyone. It’s given to folks who use it to follow Jesus’ example with astonishing consistency. It’s also given to folks who moderately try to be Christians, but never venture too far beyond their own comfort. And unfortunately, it’s given to those who repay the gift with cruelty and sin.

The gift of free will has been entrusted to each of us, as well. And if I’m honest, I’ve vacillated between those three categories at various points of my spiritual journey. All of this free will leaves a wake of brokenness and messiness every human heart has to navigate. This task is virtually impossible without resorting to worry, especially when one recognizes that the entire sales industry is built upon amplifying your anxiety.

Are you not as pretty or handsome as you once were? We can slow that process! Are you not as wealthy as your neighbor? We have advice that can get you there! Did you know termites never sleep? We have the latest pest control technology! Are your professional skills up-to-the-minute? We have the most effective training in the free world! Is the country going to hell in a handbasket? Watch our show because you need to stay informed! And the list goes on and on.

And yet Jesus last advice is, “Do not let your hearts be troubled?” Seriously?! It was almost as if he knew good wins out eventually. He knew this world is not the end for those who follow him. He knew he was leaving us the Holy Spirt to make navigating the messiness of this world possible.

And He knew he was preparing a place for us free from all anxiety.