Have you Prepared a Home for the Lord in your Heart?

by David Lins  |  12/19/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

We are almost there! Christmas is just around the corner! Are you ready?

Come on... by now you know I’m not asking if you’ve got those decorations up and purchased all your gifts.

Is your heart ready? Have you prepared a home for the Lord in your heart?

Many people in this current world seem to have been broken down into anger, bitterness, discouragement, sadness. These callous the heart. They harden the heart, thus making it difficult to penetrate. And this is tragic.

I feel sorry for hearts such as these, and I pray for their healing.

And I’m not saying life is nothing but rainbows, butterflies, and skittles for the rest of us. We just know that we do not currently reside in heaven, but that doesn’t mean we cannot invite the Lord to reside within us!

In today’s Gospel, Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting and the infant leaps within Elizabeth’s womb. It is because Mary contains within her, Jesus Christ, Savior of the World.

Similarly, when we participate in Mass or open our Bibles for personal (or family) prayer time, our hearts should leap within us because the words contain Jesus Christ, Savior of the World.

When we go to Mass or Adoration, our hearts should leap within us because the Eucharist is Jesus Christ, Savior of the World.

When we approach another Catholic who has just attended Mass and received the Eucharist, our hearts should leap within us because their bodies contain Jesus Christ, Savior of the World.

So if you feel like your baseline emotions are anger, bitterness, discouragement, or sadness, ask the Lord once again to soften your heart, thus making it easy for Him to penetrate and inhabit.

And that will change everything this Christmas.

Comments, concerns, questions? Email David at dlins@oloj.org