All Saints Day

by David Lins  |  10/31/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

This is the week the Church celebrates All Saints Day and the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. Most of us can’t help but think about those who have passed away. And for some among us, this carries a tremendous weight.

I feel called to share a bit about a beautiful ministry our parish offers, appropriately named “An Experience of Hope.” It offers healing from the pain, sorrow, and/or shame of an abortion. It is completely confidential, absolutely free of charge, and done one-on-one with a trained facilitator (called a healing companion).

This ministry opens the door for women to feel God’s forgiveness and to eventually forgive themselves. It allows them to live with hope and love, unburdened by the residue of sorrow that some cannot find the strength to let go— possibly even after the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

This program—approved and supported by Bishop Olmsted—uses a guidebook (that is also provided free-of- charge) and is based on the unconditional love, mercy, and forgiveness that God offers each one of us.

The name and phone number of a healing companion is listed in the Experience of Hope brochures which are found in the entryway of the Church (and in the ladies restroom, as well).

The Gospel reading for All Saints Day includes the following words spoken by your God, Jesus Christ: “Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

This is a chance. A moment. An opportunity to finally find comfort in the recognition you are not alone.

I am praying for you.

...and I ask everyone reading this to join me in prayer that anyone in need of healing from a past abortion might be able to take the first step of a confidential phone call.

We must all remember: God’s mercy cannot be outrun. God’s love cannot be overestimated. God’s faithfulness will not be exhausted.

Questions? Comments? Reach David at