Two Kinds of Death

by Fr. Jess Ty  |  06/30/2024  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Family of God,

From the Bible we know that there are two kinds of death, one is physical, and the other is spiritual or the death of our soul. The cause of both deaths is the envy of the Devil, who tempted Eve to commit the first sin. Death is a consequence of sin. Adam and Eve did not die physically when they disobeyed God, but they annihilated their soul, they were separated from the presence of God.

Jesus came to restore us to life, just like He restored the girl in the Gospel back to life, for Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Even though we die physically, He gives us eternal life. And on the last day He will resurrect our bodies and be reunited with our soul for all eternity.

When death is near through illness our Catechism teaches us: “Each time a Christian fall seriously ill, he may receive the Anointing of the Sick, and, also when, after he has received it, the illness worsens.” (CCC 1529)

Anointing of the Sick involves forgiveness of sins, that is why its Minister is either a Priest or Bishop alone. Our body may die and decay, but our soul will continue to live and wait for the resurrection on the Last Day.

May we not be afraid of physical death as long as we don’t have mortal sin; we will have resurrection and be with the Lord and enjoy God’s presence for eternity.

In Christ through Mary Immaculate.