Our God is Still in Control

by Fr. Clement Attah, VC  |  06/23/2024  |  Weekly Reflection

One of the things I love to do but I’m not good at is swimming. I grew up in a town that has one of the biggest rivers in Nigeria, River Benue. In fact, at one point my family lived very close to the bank of the river. Unfortunately, none of my siblings, including me, learnt how to swim. This is because some of our friends and relatives drowned in the river. That made us have a phobia for large bodies of water.

The ancient Israelites were not a seafaring people, and their apprehension about the water is reflected in today’s Gospel. The sea often symbolizes in scripture the forces of evil or chaos that threaten God’s people and challenge God’s sovereignty over the cosmos.

God’s sovereignty is being challenged even today. The forces of evil are still very much present in our world. We are living in a time of so many uncertainties. Every day, things seem to be getting out of our control. This leaves us scared and very anxious. But as believers, we are invited to trust in the Lord. Our God is not absent in the world, neither is He powerless. Just as Jesus exercises absolute command of the sea and the sky, the waves and the wind, He still very much is directing the affairs of the world. Things may seem to be falling apart, but it is falling into God’s hands. Our job as believers is like Hebrews 12:2 says, “To look up to Jesus”, to keep making Him the anchor of our life.

Once again, thank you for your unconditional love. You helped me to grow so much in my relationship with God these past six years. I love you all so much and you will always be in my prayers.

God bless and keep you!