This is Your TIme!

by David Lins  |  10/01/2023  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

In Matthew 21, Jesus gives the example of two sons. The first refuses to serve his father, but ends up changing his mind and doing what his father asked. The second quickly agrees to his father’s request, but then does nothing. The Gospel goes on to make clear that the first was the one to do his father’s will.

What does this mean?

Like any intelligent being, God cares more about what you do than what you say.

Who would you rather have as an employee? The one who says, “You got it, boss!” then, does nothing. Or the one who seems hesitant, but comes around and gets the job done?

And yes… who would you rather be married to?

Now sure. All of us would prefer the son, employee, or spouse who said yes and then followed through. Both/and.

But Jesus is making a point here: if you’ve hesitated when it comes to answering his call in any way, it isn’t too late. In fact, if begin today—he prefers your response to the ones who loudly publicize their faithfulness, even though their prayer life is barren and their belief is a façade.

If you’ve never been baptized, but you attend Mass often, this is your time.

If you’ve been baptized in another denomination, but have been thinking about joining the Catholic Church for years, this is your time.

If you were baptized in a Catholic Church as a child, but were never confirmed, this is your time.

And if you’ve received all your sacraments, but your faith has been reduced to sitting in the pew weekly, emotionally disconnected, this is your time.

Reach out to me and let’s talk about whether O.C.I.A. might be helpful to you.

This Gospel clearly lets us know that the Father wants you to do his will.

This is your time.