Martha Syndrome

by David Lins  |  07/21/2019  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

There is a common, but fatal disease in the Catholic community. The truth is, it is most common with those most active in the life of the parish. Parish staff, parish ministry heads, and even some clergy fall victim. It’s name? Martha Syndrome.

It is thusly named (by myself, as of today) after Luke 10:38-42.

Martha is so wrapped up in serving, that she has no time to stop and spend time with the Lord. She even resents her sister for pressing the pause button on service to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His Words.

Many of us in Church leadership get so busy talking about Jesus, that we never slow down long enough to talk with Him. When this happens, we cease having the ability to speak to others about our friend and savior Jesus Christ, and sound much more like biographers.

Who do you think will draw more souls back to God? His friends or His biographers?

And since we are talking about Jesus Christ, the best fisherman in the history of ever, allow me to say I’m not about to let the rest of you off the hook. Do any of these quotes sound like you?

“I’d take time to pray every day if I wasn’t so tired from work.”

“I’d be happy to go to a Bible Study if there were ten more hours in a day.” “I’d read a book about my Catholic Faith, but I have several other books I’ve been meaning to get to already.”

Remember: Martha complained to Jesus about her sister who was just spending time with Him. His response is telling…

“(Insert your name here, TWICE), you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Your sister has chosen the better part…”

Do you want to argue with Jesus? Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Let’s make time for the Lord. To spend time with Him. To read and study His Word.

Questions? Comments? Email David at