What The Bible Doesn’t Say

by David Lins  |  06/04/2023  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

The world has lost its mind.

I know it might seem that I’m a bit late to the party when I write that, but a few articles I just came across really drove this point home for me.

In the first article, I read where Target is trying to walk the tightrope between appealing to our “anything goes” world, while also attempting to appease those of us still holding onto sanity with the tiniest of gestures. They are pulling a few items from their LGBTQ+ collection, while moving other items a bit further back into certain stores.

A London-based company that produces some of the merchandise cannot believe Target would do such a thing. I won’t give the name of the company, but a quick glance through their website revealed products like enamel pins that say, “Satan Respects Pronouns” (that one is on a ram’s head and is sold out) and “Heteronormativity Is a Plague.” There is another that says, “Homophobic Headrest” on a guillotine. And I’m not even going to quote the horribly sexually explicit ones here.

This is a company Target buys from before reselling their products in our community.

The other article reported how the Los Angeles Dodgers were inviting a drag group who dress in brightly-colored habits and call themselves the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to a pride night event next month to receive the Community Hero Award.

As they say, you can’t make this stuff up. Except you can. You can make up anything you want. You can sell openly satanic content and we are supposed to continue shopping for our scented candles just a few aisles over. You can mock Catholic religious orders, and we’ll line up to give you heroic awards.

I keep looking, but I still can’t find where the Bible tells us to love one another’s sin. Quite the opposite. This weekend’s second reading from 2 Corinthians tells us to mend our ways and encourage one another. We can get through this together