3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

by © LPi Fr. John Muir  |  01/26/2025  |  Weekly Reflection

A young couple in my parish told me they were expecting their second child, a baby boy. I knew that their five-year old only child Emma had been desperately wanting to be a big sister for years, so I said, “Emma must have been so happy when you told her the news.” “Actually,” they said, “she burst into tears. She wanted a baby sister!” How often in life God wonderfully fulfills our desires and we are sad because we don’t approve of the way he does it. We want to control the gift and the delivery method.


2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Fr. Jess Ty  |  01/19/2025  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Family of God,

Why is the Marital Relationship important in our Lives here on earth and in the next?

God in Jesus is our true husband. He is the Bridegroom that is eternally faithful to His Bride, the Church, that is, all of us. Even when we are unfaithful, turning away from Him, committing adultery by worshiping other gods, He remains faithful to us. He does not abandon us.


The Baptism of the Lord

by © LPi Fr. John Muir  |  01/12/2025  |  Weekly Reflection

In my second year of theology studies, I went to confession to a priest visiting the seminary for a three-day retreat. My heart wasn’t in it. I was going through the motions. I confessed my sins and waited for his response. The priest said, “For your penance, I’d like you to go into the chapel and repeat the words ‘You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased’ (Luke 3:22) until they mean something to you.” Easy penance, I thought.


Epiphany of the Lord

by Fr. Jess Ty  |  01/05/2025  |  Weekly Reflection

For the past week, Our Holy Mother, the Church gave us St. John’s letter on all first readings on weekday Masses to reflect on. After encountering Jesus, the light of the world, he wants us to see and teaches us how to live in the light. Just like the Magi in our Gospel, after encountering Jesus, they went home in another way.
