The Holy Family
by © LPi Fr. John Muir | 12/29/2024 | Weekly ReflectionAs a first-time pastor in a parish, I received a phone call one afternoon from a young married couple, “Father, our 2-year-old son drowned in our pool this morning. We are at the hospital. Please help us.” I sped over. The little boy was gone, his body cold, slightly blue, laid out on a bed. His parents were distraught and in shock. For the next few years, I walked with the couple along their difficult and painful road.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
by Fr. Jess Ty | 12/22/2024 | Weekly ReflectionWhat is Christmas? Why we need Christmas or Christ’s Incarnation?
Christmas is the fulfillment of God’s promise in Genesis 3:15, that he will send a Redeemer, Son of a woman to fight against the Devil. “I will put enmity you (serpent) and the woman and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.”
Third Sunday of Advent
by Fr. John Parks | 12/15/2024 | Weekly ReflectionEntering into expectation.
I love to think about a Jewish Grandmother or Grandfather – about 2,500 years ago – having their grandchild on their knee and telling them about the uniqueness of their identity. That they are God’s chosen people. That they have been set apart for a unique role to play in the healing and redemption of the world. And, that they are waiting.
What is Advent?
by Fr. Jess Ty | 12/08/2024 | Weekly ReflectionAdvent is preparation for the coming of the Lord as our Savoir or Judge. Mary Immaculate can help us best prepare for welcoming Jesus into our hearts, the way she was prepared by the Father to be a fit dwelling place of our Savior. (This year’s celebration of Immaculate Conception is on Monday 12/9.)
First Sunday of Advent
by © LPi Fr. John Muir | 12/01/2024 | Weekly ReflectionWhen I was a young priest, about one year after ordination, I was called to the hospital to anoint a dying mother of three young children. She had a painful, terminal cancer. After celebrating Last Rites with her, I said, “Don’t be afraid.” She looked me square in the eye from her hospital bed and said, “Oh Father, I am in a lot of pain, but I am not afraid. Something wonderful is about to happen.” A few days later she died.