If You Believe in God, You Must Believe in Miracles

by David Lins  |  03/19/2023  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Easter is around the corner, and with it comes the greatest miracle in human history. So, it’s a good time to get used to the idea of miracles.

In the ninth chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus meets up with a man who has been blind since birth. Everyone is concerned with WHY he was blind. “Was the man sinful?” “Were his parents the ones who sinned?”

But Jesus isn’t focused on the WHY.

He is concerned with the WHO. (In this particular case? The man born blind.)

Jesus was there – in that moment – to heal the man. And so he did. With witnesses.

But people didn’t believe it. They couldn’t let themselves. They questioned him. They questioned his parents. They pretty much opened a full-on Law and Order interrogation. (Insert: Dun Dun sound effect.)

The best lines came from his parents: “We know that this is our son and that he was born blind. We do not know how he sees now, nor do we know who opened his eyes. Ask him, he is of age; he can speak for himself.”

Allow me to translate: “Yeah. He’s our kid and he was born blind. Now he can see. Beyond that, we plead the fifth. We don’t want upset authorities who might come after us.”

Bottom line: if you believe in God, you must believe in miracles or your god is limited, and therefore not God at all.

He healed the blind man, he rose from the dead, and he can (and has) worked miracles in your life. Open your eyes and open your heart. Don’t you see? The “who” Jesus is most concerned about is you!

God wants to bring healing to your life. He wants you to believe. He wants you to convince others to believe. He created you to live in him.

The time to be spiritually blind is over. Easter is just days away. See what he has done in your life. ...and he is just getting started.