Jesus In The Desert

by David Lins  |  02/26/2023  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Just when you thought it was safe to eat a hamburger Friday night, Lent returns this weekend!

But it is so much more than depriving yourself of that rack o’ ribs to start the weekend… (Can you tell I’m hungry?)

Matthew 4 begins with the story of the Holy Spirit leading Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the devil. (Pay close attention.)

First, he tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread to satisfy his hunger. After all, Jesus hadn’t had a meal in forty days. (Interesting number, but we are focusing on something else this time. Still a good reminder there is a reason for EVERYTHING in our Faith!)

Next, he tempts Jesus to jump off the highest spot around. Then, Jesus could command angels to catch him (quite publicly) and it would be easy to prove Jesus’ divine power.

Finally, he tempts Jesus by showing him all the kingdoms of the world and tells Jesus it all could be his, if only Jesus were to worship him.

To review: the three Ps of temptation in order: Pleasure— this time through the wonderful feeling of satisfied hunger. Pride in flaunting his ability to command the angels. And possessions in the ability to have the world.

Did you know (or remember) that Lent and the vows religious take are the antidote to these temptations?

To counteract the temptation of pleasure, we are encouraged to fast even more during Lent. Religious take a vow of chastity for the same reason.

To counteract the temptation of pride, we are encouraged to increase our prayer, recognizing our dependence on God. Religious take a vow of obedience for the same reason.

Finally, to counteract the temptation of possessions, we are encouraged to partake in the generosity of almsgiving in a deeper way during Lent. Religious take a vow of poverty for the same reason.

I love our Catholic Faith.