Mary has chosen the better

by David Lins  |  07/17/2022  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

This weekend, we hear the story of Martha and Mary. You know the one. Martha is getting things done while Mary (NOT his mom, different Mary) just sits at Jesus’ feet and listens to him.

Martha finally gets sick of it (like most people who get things done when they see someone “just sitting there!”) and asks Jesus to say something to Mary.

Instead, Jesus tells Martha that Mary has chosen the “better” part.

Not at all what Martha expected. Things need to get done! How is just sitting there—doing nothing—better than serving others?

An important point must be made.

Jesus specifically used the word better. What Martha was doing wasn’t bad. In fact, it was good! She was being of service to the Lord. That is a wonderful thing! But, there was an even better option available.

She could have been listening to the Lord.

So many of us get caught up in doing everything we are supposed to be doing. The moment we wake up, the clock is ticking and we have to race until our head hits the pillow again.

But if we never stop, how can the Lord direct all our action? Or do we think we’ve got it all under control and know what to do? Do we dare think we don’t have to slow down and ask the Lord to direct our steps?

How effective is an employee who never takes direction from their boss?

An even better analogy might be the parent-child relationship. Georgiana is only five. Sometimes, when I’m assigning a few chores before playtime, I’ll get through the first half of the first step and she will turn and run off to do whatever she thinks I want her to do. She never truly understands what needs to be done . Do we truly understand what the Lord desires from us? Only if we stop and listen.