The Three Gifts

by David Lins  |  01/02/2022  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Gold. Frankincense. Myrrh.

Three magi all brought gifts for Jesus. None of their gifts were the same.

A simple fact that the vast majority of us have known since childhood, yet virtually none of us have pondered.

1 Corinthians 12 explains who gave us our gifts in the first place. Some of us are given wisdom. Some receive knowledge. Others have been given faith. There are those who have the gift of healing. And still others receive miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, the gift of tongues, or interpretation of tongues.

Verse 4 states clearly, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.”

So as I see it, there are two big questions we should ask ourselves this weekend. What gifts have we been given? And are we bringing our unique gifts to the Lord?

Maybe you are incredible with children. You are patient and loving and know how to corral them like few do. I can tell you that our children’s catechesis would love to provide programming every Wednesday next year, but we would need more volunteers to make it happen (email me for more info).

Or you can sing on key, but have never considered joining the choir. Gabriel would love to speak with you.

Or you have time and a friendly disposition. Lauren might find a place you could volunteer once a week.

It is possible you are that individual who meets a new person every time you go grocery shopping. You might be an amazing greeter.

It has been said, the young have time and health, but no money. Professionals have health and money, but no time. And the retired often have money and time, but failing health. Overgeneralizations aside, we all have something to give to the Lord at every stage of life.

Be like the magi and bring whatever it is you have.

Comments, concerns, questions?

Email David at