Focusing on the Next Step

by David Lins  |  06/27/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Have you ever had the experience of being on a good mission (like picking up coffee for a coworker, picking up flowers for your spouse, or picking up bourbon for your director of faith formation) when the Lord puts something or someone else in your path?

I’ve had this happen. Often. And sadly, my thought is often less than ideal: I don’t have time for this, Lord!

It’s as if I’ve convinced myself that the Lord is calling me to something very specific and anything that gets in the way of that—or slows it down in any way—couldn’t possibly also be in God’s plan for my day.

Maybe, just maybe, I’m supposed to get Maryrose flowers AND help the lady get all her groceries in her car in 115 degree heat.

In today’s Gospel reading, a man comes and begs Jesus to heal his daughter. On the journey, Jesus encounters a woman in need of healing. What does Jesus do? He stops. He heals the woman. Only then does he resume with his original mission.

Let me ask you a question. Can you do something ten days from now? Ten hours from now? Ten minutes from now?

Not until you get there.

Our God is “I AM.” He is with us here and now. And that is where we must exist. All we can do resides in the next 2-3 seconds.

Focusing on the next step makes a marathon possible. The next breath, anxiety bearable. The next moment, miracles possible.

When we wake in the morning and ask God what he has for us today, he might give us a few hints. But often, he will smile his glorious smile and whisper back, “Oh the twists and turns, surprises and blessings I have in store for you. Pay attention. Don’t miss the opportunities I’ve crafted and prepared for this day from the beginning of time.”

Questions? Comments? Reach David at