I am Proud of You

by David Lins  |  03/14/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

I am proud of you.

I know it might not mean much, but I needed to say it just the same.

I am proud of you.

We’ve been at this for about a year now. All of this. It was a Monday morning when we received word from the diocese.

Since that day—you’ve done your best to navigate through opposing political agendas, to sift through shifting medical directives, and to endure through the Church’s attempt to do the same.

I am proud of you.

You’ve done your best to maintain civility in relationships with loved ones whose approach to any of the above differed from your own.

I am proud of you.

You’ve prayerfully discerned every step in an effort to best live our Faith. You may not have done everything perfectly with flawless precision, but you can honestly say that you tried.

I am proud of you.

Now, you might be dismissing these words of affirmation. I understand. I have a black belt in affirmation deflection. But the fact remains: the Lord has seen your sweat and tears. He has walked with you through this year.

He wants you to know—in the midst of Lent, during this fast—that Easter is coming. There will be a feast. There will be an end to this current test.

And He is proud of you