August 9

by David Lins  |  08/09/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Hi Friends!

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus shows up walking on water. This happens in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, miles from shore, where the depth is about 43 meters. (So he isn’t walking on a sand bar or a big rock.) They freak out and think they are seeing a spirit.

When you look at the Greek, Jesus says, “Take heart, I am.” This is Jesus identifying himself, but also assuming the divine name of the Creator in the Old Testament and applying it to himself.

How do we know that this is an incident where Jesus reveals himself as God (and the fancy term for this is “theophany”)?

Peter walks on water until he notices the wind and falls through the surface of the water. Jesus catches him and says, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Then, Jesus takes Peter into the boat and calms the storm. The wind stopped and the sea went still.

The apostles take note, and what happens next makes it clear how the apostles view Christ. “Those in the boat worshipped him, saying ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’” They feel to their knees.

How did Jesus respond? Did he say, “Hey! Whoa! Too far! Stand up! Don’t worship me!”

No. He accepted their worship.

The beautiful thing about these past two weeks?

Jesus multiplied loaves and fish. Jesus walked on water and calmed a storm. These miracles show that the God who created all matter still has control over it. More importantly, they show that the God who is all powerful sometimes chooses to use that power to provide for his people and draw them near to himself.

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