May 17

by David Lins  |  05/17/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Today’s Readings: ACTS 8:5-8, 14-17 PS 66:1-7, 16, 20 1PT 3:15-18 JN 14:15-21

Mass is back!

Okay. I know it never ended. And I realize for those of you who are compromised or still unsure, the obligation has been temporarily lifted. My point is this: for those of us who are able, Mass attendance, it is ON!!!

But hang on a minute. I want to go back to a word: “obligation.”

We often call Mass our “Sunday Obligation.” It sounds as if attending Mass is something we are forced to do. But that isn’t the case. We have free will. We are obliged to attend. What does that mean and why am I picking at little words.

Because words matter.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commands.” We go to Mass because we are compelled by our love (of God and his entire family). We have a choice...but we don’t.

When my little toddler hurts herself and runs to me crying, I can choose to pick her up and comfort her...or not. But my love for her compels me to pick her up. There is no consideration. There is no discernment. There is no choice.

When Mass becomes an “obligation” again, we can choose to sin and stay home. After all, most people aren’t struck with lightning. But we have no choice because we love our Lord. We are compelled to be as close to Him as possible. To skip Mass would reveal the greater sin, a lack of love of God.

David is the Director of Faith Formation at Our Lady of Joy. If you have comments or questions, send your emails to

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