May 20

by David Lins  |  05/20/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Today’s Readings: ACTS 17:15, 22-18:1 PS 148:1-2, 11-14 JN 16:12-15

My wife recently gifted me with a Masterclass subscription. (If you aren’t familiar, it is an online platform were successful people teach their crafts. Steve Martin teaches comedy. Wolfgang Puck teaches cooking. Judy Blume teaches children’s writing. You get the point.) It has become a huge platform in a relatively short period of time.

Who doesn’t want to sit at the feet of a master and learn their secrets?

Today’s Gospel begins with some powerful words: “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.”

The implication is clear: God doesn’t tell us everything all at once. He sends the Holy Spirit to reveal what we can handle. We are told what we are ready for. He speaks the words when we have the ears (see: the interior state) to hear them.

This should inspire us to dive headfirst into the sacraments, prayer, spiritual reading and media. We should do everything in our power to put ourselves at the feet of the Master. We should do all we can to be ready to be guided to all truth. God forbid we aren’t ready to hear what he might tell us.

David is the Director of Faith Formation at Our Lady of Joy. If you have comments or questions, send your emails to

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