March 30

by David Lins  |  03/30/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Readings for the Day: DN 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 PS 23:1-6, JN 8:1-11

If you are reading this, you already know Jesus is heroic. He walked straight into certain death and paid the ultimate price for a crime (the crime of our sin) he didn’t commit. We are reminded of this heroism and sacrifice every time we hold a rosary or look above our parish altar.

But this divine quality of heroism didn’t just appear out of nowhere just before Calvary. It can be found throughout his short three years of public ministry. Today’s Gospel shows us one of the best examples.

It is the story of the scribes and the Pharisees preparing to stone a woman for adultery. But let’s not focus on the inequality of the laws of the day. Let’s move past the obvious lessons of hypocrisy. Instead, let’s drill down to what is happening at the most basic—and often, most forgotten about—level.

Jesus saves the life of a woman. He doesn’t do it because she is perfect. She isn’t. He knows what she’s done. He does it because he loves her anyway. He calmly walks directly into a hornet’s nest and saves a sinner out of love for her.

Sometimes, we look at a crucifix and we see what Jesus did for us (plural) or what he did for others. And while this is true, he also did it for you. He saved your life. Not because you are perfect. You aren’t. He knew that. He did it because he loves you.

Today, look at your rosary and ponder that.


David is the Director of Faith Formation at Our Lady of Joy.

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