Keep the Commandments

by David Lins  |  02/16/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

This weekend, the first line of the first reading carries profound power.

“If you choose, you can keep the commandments, they will save you…”

We try so many different ways to be fulfilled. We keep thinking we’ve figured out what will do it.

Having children.
Children finally moving out.
Weight loss.
Becoming more attractive.
A bigger paycheck.
A bigger home.
A dream vacation.

But nothing seems to help the joy stick. And we don’t want to hear about the Faith. Because it couldn’t possibly be faith that would be the answer to what we are searching for.

I’m reminded of my favorite toddler, Georgiana. With only a matter of months before she turns three, she has learned she has free will. This has resulted in her occasionally seeing what happens if she doesn’t listen to mom and/or dad.

Spoiler alert: It doesn’t work out well for her. Possibly outcomes include having a conversation she doesn’t enjoy, less toy time, or even a quick timeout. Slowly, she is learning that we have her best interests in mind and her days are much happier when she listens.

“If you choose, you can keep the commandments, they will save you…”

Notice the words. It is your choice. God has given you free will. But if you choose to keep the commandments, they will save you.

A few great places to take the next step might be any (or all) of the retreat opportunities we are providing over the next several weeks. Details for our homegrown retreat can be found on the previous page. Details for the other two can be found on the next page.

Questions? Comments? Email David at