The True Beauty of Easter

by David Lins  |  04/21/2019  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Easter represents several things. Many people can finally go back to whatever they gave up for lent, provided it isn’t harmful to their souls. (Drink that coffee! Eat that chocolate!) Families often gather from near and far. Parents snap pictures as adorable children search for eggs. All these things are beautiful, but they don’t begin to describe Easter’s true beauty.

To get to the heart of Easter, begin by reflecting on this truth: the entirety of humanity loves a good comeback. After all, there is a reason virtually every good movie or novel contains an “all is lost” moment before the hero vanquishes the villain or the couple finally finds their “happily ever after.”

Every Easter, we celebrate the most dramatic and consequential comeback in human history.

On the cross, the world believes Jesus was either exposed as a fraud or defeated as a savior. It was the darkest “all is lost” moment Earth will ever know.

Three days later, Jesus rises from the dead. The resurrection proves Jesus is not a fraud. He is our Savior. He conquers sin. And He makes it possible for us to experience our “Heavenly Ever After.”

Remembering this… makes it a truly “Happy Easter.”

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