I need to thank you

by David Lins  |  09/29/2019  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

I need to thank you.

If you give generously to the collection basket, you have made it possible for me to serve this parish on a full-time basis for over three years (thus far), writing this column, directing RCIA, planning all aspects of the parish missions, coordinating 33 Days To Morning Glory, overseeing our youth ministry programming, facilitating a weekly Scripture Study, and so much more! (There are also many others you are supporting who, I assure you, work harder than you realize to make this parish as wonderful as it is!)

I need to thank you.

If you give generously to the collection basket, you make Masses possible by paying for the hosts, the wine, the candles, the flowers, pest control that keeps tarantulas and scorpions at bay, provide air conditioning during brutal summer months, ensure working plumbing in the restrooms, and supply proper equipment for our gifted musicians.

I need to thank you.

If you give generously to the collection basket, you make it possible for us to bring people home to the Catholic Church through program materials and hospitality (including coffee, cups, food, lights, etc.) needed for programming like Alpha and RCIA.

I need to thank you.

If you give generously to the collection basket, you understand that all the renovations we’ve done around the parish campus came from a single generous donation that was made specifically for that sole purpose. We still need your help for every other cost associated with the parish.

I need to thank you.

If you give generously to the collection basket, you have recognized that all you have is a gift from the Lord and it is your responsibility to ensure the Lord’s work continues at Our Lady of Joy.

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

Questions? Comments? Email David at dlins@oloj.org.